Daily Archives: July 27, 2007

Book Review – Genesis 20-25

I was juuuuuust about to crawl into bed when I remembered I was going to try and write a book review sometime today. Oh dear, it’s late and I don’t know if I have anything in me but I’m gonna give it a shot.

Genesis continues to be a great read. I’m learning detailed stuff about other stuff that I only knew a little bit about before. (see, told ya I wasn’t gonna make much sense). It’s amazing what you can learn reading the same passages for a whole week.

I love the story of Abraham and Sarah and how patient they had to be in waiting for the son God promised them. I’m sure they had their doubts, I mean, who wouldn’t at that age? But they also knew that God can do anything. They were rewarded with a son, Isaac, of whom they were SO HAPPY to have. I learned more about Ishmael, too. I didn’t remember alot of that information about Hagar and them leaving, etc.

Ok, chapter 22, when God tests Abraham and asks him to sacrifice his long awaited son. Of course, I’ve heard the story before, so I know how it ends but every time I read it, I was amazed at Abraham. AMAZED. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to almost do that. I sort of wondered why God would even ask him to make that decision. But it seems that, with Abraham, there was no decision, he just obeyed. I will be the first to admit that there is no way I would have even entertained the idea. And that is why I am Jenn, and he was Abraham.

I love the story of Isaac and Rebekah and how faith and the work of the Lord were the things that led them to eachother. What a great love story!

Anyway, I think that’s all I can do tonight. I’m excited to read on! Yay!

If you have no idea why I am doing this, click here to find out and won’t you please join us? You will be blessed, very blessed.


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Oooooo, A winner!

Well, my very busy day (see below) has taken a turn. I was supposed to have a car this morning to run some errands and cross some things off my list but due to circumstances beyond my control, I’m house bound. Again. As always.

So, I decided to get my random draw over with so I could stop being so excited about picking a winner and concentrate on some other things I need to do.

Since I’m me, I feel the need to explain exactly how I went about my random draw. Don’t worry, I’ll get to the winner in a moment. But if you can’t wait, you could just scroll down. But that would be rude. Anyway, first I was going to ask Mike to pick a number between 1 and 133 since that is how many comments I was THRILLED to get. But it occured to me that no one picks 1 or 133. So then I decided to write out all the numbers on paper, cut up said little numbered squares, and have my almost two year old pick a number out of the mixing bowl that the numbered paper squares were in. She picked the paper with the number 46, who turned out to be Cheryl! And I know her in real life! How crazy is that? We go to the same church! Anyway, thrilled that Cheryl won. I’ll be emailing her soon.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who commented. I had a blast reading them and checking out some of your blogs. I hope to get to the rest of them eventually.

I’m pretty sure that if Rocks in my Dryer does this again, so will I.


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It’s gonna be a day and a half

This is going to be the busiest weekend. Ever. I had the smart idea that I needed to participate in the Town Wide Yardsale tomorrow. In my head I thought I had tonnes of stuff to sell but upon inspection, it really isn’t that much. Oh don’t get me wrong, there is lots of junk in that basement of ours but alot of it is just that, junk, or it’s stuff I can’t part with (yes, I have a problem). So, I have a few things and I will put out a table and people will mock me and keep walking around the sub for more exciting and interesting yardsales where people actually, you know, SELL their stuff.

I also had it in my head that most of the junk down there was mine. I’m happy to announce that I am not the only pack rat in this little family(which I knew, but now I’m announcing it for good measure). Alot of it belongs to Mike but there is about, oh, a ZERO percent chance that he’ll get rid of it. He likes to keep stuff FOREVER. Sigh.

Most certainly more importantly, our church’s Vacation Bible School starts on Monday so I’m busy preparing for that. I’m the super cool game lady…ok, I’m just the game lady, we’ll see if I’m super cool after the week is over. It stresses me out a little for the simple fact that I might forget something important or not have enough games planned or something totally HORRIFIC like that. Even though I did the job last year with no major mishaps except for the headless plastic lobster.

I’m also working on something that I can’t tell you about.

Don’t you just love that I said that? 🙂

AND I have to do my random draw sometime today and pick a winner. AND I have to make plans to find places for all of the things I am going to win. Not. I never win and even though my hopes are high, I won’t be surprised when no one emails me to tell of my victory in their random drawing.

AND I have to try and find time to do my Book Review of Genesis 20-25 sometime today. I really am going to try and do it. I really am. I’m gonna try. And I’m gonna keep telling myself that until I do it. I could be up pretty late.

AND I have a car today, I think, which means I can take the girls and run some errands to cross a few things off my ever growing list.

AND time is slipping away as I type…there is cat hair to be swiffered, laundry to be started, children to feed, lists to make, and things to worry about so I better motor.

I’ll do my very random drawing a little later.

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